Look to Him

Look to Him
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Group Exhibit at the Baltimore World Trade Center
in celebration of Black History Month - featuring Belle Massey"

I had a great feeling about Saturday. I arrived at the show with my daughter Fontaine, son Mandela, my sister Rose and her grandbaby, Jada. That same morning while standing in the bank - who should be standing behind me but the President of my alma mater, The Maryland Institute, College of Art - Fred Lazarus, IV. It was truly wonderful to see him...he remembered me and Fontaine, who was still an infant in a baby's blanket last time he saw her. We chit-chatted about 'growing pains,' etc. He seemed pleased to hear that I was still pursuing art and was having show that night and so, he wished me well.

I was greeted at the Baltimore World Trade Center by a number of people, including my co-workers and friends at the Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine - downtown Baltimore. Great atmosphere... with a live jazz trio and refreshments. Folks were very intrigued by the diversity of pieces in the show, oil and acrylic paintings, collages, sculptures, 3-dimensional pieces, etc.
Although I only had 2 pieces in the 2008 Juried Exhibition, I was totally taken away by the responses to my work! This exhibit is the first of its kind to be held at Baltimore's World Trade Center. I was able to share with many people samples of my other works, as I had purposefully taken my portfolio of recent pieces.

Although I was peeved that one of my show pieces had been sort of cleaned with a wet cloth (remnants of the fibers from the rag were still evident on the canvas), I was determined not to let that annoy me and I picked the tiny fibers off of the canvas.

My boss (Jamie Kelley) was gleaming as he arrived with his wife (Meg); I could tell he was very proud of me. My oldest sister was there, one of my best friends, Pamela, my ex-husband and a number of friends I hadn't seen in years. Another friend, one whom I always looked up to as a fellow artist was there, Heidi Minken...she works at Hopkins now as a big-time fundraiser. It was great to see her too. It humbled me. I was able to rub elbows with a few artists whom I hadn't truly interacted with since college, Skip, Tommy and others. Mandela's grandfather was there and he was very happy for me. What a fabulous night !!! Can't wait to do this again.

For those of you who haven't made the trip, you may want to visit the Top-of-the-World Trade Center - 27th Floor - Inner Harbor - between now and February 29th and enjoy the pieces on display. I believe it represents about 10 or 12 of us actively making art. The name of my two pieces are: "I am Dark But Comely" & "Flowers for You, Mama". Hope you can drop by to see them.

Until then, take care...Belle

Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto God

Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto God

Belle Massey, Artist - Giving God Glory Thru Art

Belle Massey, Artist - Giving God Glory Thru Art
"Big Sista" - Oil on Canvas